

Opening Address, Viewing the World through Spin Glasses, an international conference in honour of David Sherrington, Oxford, 31 August - 1 September 2007 (Powerpoint file, Word file)

Hawking and Black Holes (Powerpoint file)
Einstein and the World of Atoms 愛因斯坦與原子世界(Powerpoint file)

Mean-Field Approach to a Probabilistic Model in Information Retrieval (Word file)

On-Line Learning with Recycled Examples: A Cavity Analysis (Powerpoint file)

A Bit of Many-body Physics in Information Processing (Word file)

Atoms in Unison in the Coolest Gas in the Universe: 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics 超冷世界的原子大合唱: 2001年諾貝爾物理學獎 (Powerpoint file)

Time Arrow, Statistics and the Universe -- Part I, Part II, Part III

From Binary Stars to Compact Objects (Powerpoint file 1, Powerpoint file 2)

Visualization and Simulation SIG Presentation (Powerpoint file)

Activity-based Approach to Teaching Astrophysics at the Level of General Education (Powerpoint file)

Rescue Prof. Micheal Wong (RealMedia file)



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