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The 42-node phase-space network of the 4x4 spin ice
under the domain-wall boundary condition. The corresponding
sphere stacks of some states are shown in the bottom
panel. 3C denotes the complementary configuration of 3C.


Spectral densities of phase-space networks, i.e. the rescale probability distribution of eigenvalues of the connectivity matrixes of the networks. Variances are rescaled to 1. Different frustrated systems under different boundary conditions exhibit the same Gaussian distribution. This distinguishes phase-space networks from other known networks. The spectral densities exhibit the Wigner's semicircular distribution (dashed curve) for random networks, the triangular distribution of power-law tails for scale-free networks and irregular distributions for other known networks.

Ref: Phase-space networks of geometrically frustrated systems Yilong Han, Phys. Rev. E 80, 051102 (2009)