For Your Safety, you MUST put on your badge all the time in the Lab.

For the System Safety, please follow the procedure to prolong the lifetime of the tube and reduce any damage to the System

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Safety Operation Procedure of Powder XRD System

I. Warming Up the System:


·     Set the Main Power Switch of the System to “ON” position


·     Switch on the power of the Enclosure Safety Interlock Circuit Box, located in the lower right corner of the Enclosure base

NOTICE: The Green LEDs in the upper right corner of the Enclosure should be lit up, or the Red LEDs will lit up if one of the doors may not be closed well


·     Switch on the power of Diffractometer Control Unit and switch on the Heat Exchanger. Press the “PUSH TO START” button to circulate the cooling water, set the temperature knob to 20


·     Press the “POWER ON” button on the front panel of the High Tension Generator


·     Wait for 10 minutes to cool down the re-circulating water and prepare your sample during this period

II. Power Up the High Tension:


·        Set the “kV” & “mA” knobs to its minimum reading i.e., 10kV & 10mA


·        Should the reading of the Re-circulating Temperature reach 20oC, then press the “HT ON” button to power up the High Tension


·        Gradually adjust the Voltage Knob to its Max. Value 40kV in a step of 5kV and wait 5seconds every step, then adjust the Current Knob to its Max. Value 30mA, in a step of 5mA and wait 5 sec. per step

NOTICE: During Operation, keep an eye on the reading of Re-circulating Temperature. Should you find it’s higher than 22OC, immediately STOP the scan and SHUT DOWN the System following the steps in (IV) Shutting Down the System

III. Running the Scan:


·       Create a new folder under the directory C:/SIE122/DATA/ for saving your data


·        Double click the icon “Sie1770l.exe” on the desktop to run the Scanning Software. From the File Menu, select System and click Software Operation, then from the Dialog Box choose your folder name and click “OK”


·        Set the Scanning Parameters for your sample. The maximum 2 theta angle is 100o       


·          Insert the Sample Holder into the Mounting Clamp of the Goniometer, well replace all the Enclosure doors and open the Shutter to start scan. All the data done will be automatically saved under the folder you chose above


·        To analyze your data, run the software Traces 5.2 

NOTICE: Before Opening the software Sie1770l.exe, please DON'T Open the Shutter, or it will damaged the detector

IV. Shutting Down the System:


·         After finish scanning and analyzing, close the Shutter and take out the sample, replace all the accessories, clean the desk and Log-off  the software and switch off the computer.


·      Gradually reduce the Current in a step of 5mA to its minimum value, then reduce the Voltage in a step of 5kV to its minimum value, press “HT OFF” button to switch off the High Tension Generator


·        Let the Heat Exchanger running 5-10 minutes more to cool down the X-Ray Tube.


·        Now you could switch off all the power of the System in an alternative order of the steps in (I) Warming Up the System


Last Revised on 04/03/07