Postal address:

Department of Physics,


Clear Water Bay


Hong Kong    



Phone: add: +852 2358 to the indicated numbers


Email: add:



 Rolf LORTZ: Associate Professor 

 Ulf LAMPLE: Technician

SHEN Junying: PhD student

 Chang-woo CHO: PhD student


phone: 7491    email: lortz

phone: 8894    email:  phulampe



Former group members and visitors:

Zheng Yan: PhD student

He Mingquan: PhD student

Wong Chi Ho Roy: PhD student

Ieong Chao: PhD student 

Mak Huen Kit (MPhil student and Research Assistant)

 Laurent Cevey (Research Assistant)

 Anna Böhmer (Visiting PhD student)

 Rico Beyer (Visiting Postdoctoral Research Assistant)

Beate Bergk (Visiting Postdoctoral Research Assistant)