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Do you miss your old classmates, friends, TAs or staff in the Department of Physics? Do you want to make friends with other physics alumni that you don't know before? You have come to a right place!

This is the new official website of HKUST Physics Alumni Association (HKUSTPAA). Here is a good place for you to keep contact or make friends with physics alumni. You may find news from our Physics department, other alumni, etc. Or, you may even tell others your recent news through this website.

You may click "What's new" from the navigation to learn the news from us.

Through the alumni message board, you should be able to keep in touch with PAA members.

*現任幹事會之任期經已完結。由於現時幹事成員不足,故現正招募來屆(06/07)校友會幹事。如有意參與本會工作,歡迎透過電郵 (al_phys@stu.ust.hk) 與本會聯絡。

© HKUST Physics Alumni Association 2004-2006